Wednesday, May 23, 2012


i wrote this awhile ago and thought i’d put it up.

i haven’t said it yet, not sure if i will, it’s probably the most powerful phrase a parent can wield on their child, more painful than any spanking, more thought provoking than anything a raised voice could deliver, and a useful tool to get a person to actually think about their actions.
What am i talking about? 

The monotone uttering of “I’m disappointed in you.” the most effective delivery is the following: you must hold your jaw so that your teeth are only a quarter of an inch apart, spoken from your mouth using your lips, almost a whisper – forcing the sound from your throat. Of course a dead eyed stare upon delivery helps as well. When someone says this to you, there is nothing you can do. You can’t argue with it. Walking away in quiet contemplation is about all you got. Do you remember the first time you heard it? Well, perhaps not the first time, but I guarantee that more than a few of you know the situation that caused a masterful delivery of that phrase by someone in your life.

See, I think all of us seek the approval of an adult in our lives, the approval of someone we look up to, we all want to hear the opposite of disappointment, and we want to make them proud. Perhaps it was an adult early on, and now you seek the approval of someone else. I know that when my kids grow up in the future I will want them to be proud of me, to see me as a person that they can count on, but I think their is something profound in letting a loved one down. not that I aim for it, it may have looked that way sometimes, but when you disappoint someone you are not the only one forced to contemplate the expectations. The person who is disappointed had better be examining their vision of you, what they want to see in you, and ultimately your relationship. We can, sometimes unknowingly, load loved ones with unrealistic and ridiculous expectations; we do it to ourselves too. I believe in high standards, I live my life expecting a lot from myself and those that I am around – i know this.

disappointing someone is not something that you purposefully do, it is something that someone thinks you have done to them. there are times we need to be more aware of those around us and understand our role in their lives, but there are times when people in our lives need to be forced to understand that we are not purposefully hurting them, but doing what we feel is right, and perhaps that shouldn’t lead to disappointment, but a further understanding of one another’s lives.

I have been thinking a lot lately about disappointment. Sounds a little depressing when I re-read that sentence, but trust me you won’t need any Kleenex after reading this blog. :)One of my BIG issues I worked on when I was on The Biggest Loser was disappointment. It wasn’t featured a ton, but it was the biggest piece of my puzzle. See, you all know by now how type A I am by nature, and to my detriment I can be pretty controlling. Ah, control….well, I tried to control everything (which is impossible) and it got me to 284lbs at my highest. In my mind I always convinced myself that by keeping such tight control of things I was being “productive” & “driven”. Ha. Ha. Ha. It was a very candid conversation with Bob Harper that really turned my thinking around. He simply said, “You spend so much time and effort trying to keep all these balls in the air…what would happen if you let one of them drop?”. I will tell you that even hearing him say those words made me sweat! Let a ball DROP? That is enough stress to drive me to eating a whole sheet cake alone, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that if I dropped a ball the earth would still turn & I would not die. He challenged me to really spend some time thinking about that concept. As I began to dig into this issue I will tell you that I couldn’t for the life of me come up with a reason why I feared letting go. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks….well, actually that ton of bricks happened to come in the form of Jillian Michaels. She simply said, “Honey, you can’t let go of control because you are terrified of disappointment.” Um, WHAT?? In that moment it became very clear. She was right…I was afraid of disappointment. You know in cartoons when the light bulb turns on…it was like that. I avoided really putting my self out there in my career, relationships, & really life itself to avoid being disappointed. The biggest area where this manifested was in my struggle with weight loss. Don’t get me wrong…I was always on a diet, but I NEVER really tried because that way if I failed it was because I did it half way & wouldn’t be disappointed. In my mind disappointment = weakness & failure. Whew….that’s a mouthful.

Have I fixed all this? I’ll say that I have made HUGE strides, but it’s a work in progress. I find myself at times trying to control things & I have to step back and adjust. The joy in that is the awareness…it’s half the battle right? Also, I look at disappointment in a very different way. I no longer fear it…do I like it…no, but who does? That being said I look at disappointment as an opportunity to overcome. If I set a goal & fall flat on my face…I allow myself to take a moment & be disappointed, but then get up brush myself off & set a new goal. You know why? Well, if you fall or fail the earth keeps on turning & you won’t die. Trust me…Bob said so. By getting up it gives you one more chance to achieve, and I just love that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What does a thriving life mean?

The well-being community speak of a flourishing life.

Flourishing implies more than being happy it includes the idea of living in a way that involves healthy thought and action, in mind, body and spirit.  The rewards of a full and flourishing life are happiness and well-being.
The most interesting and relevant research findings into what contributes to a flourishing life tell us the importance of:

Feeling good, being grateful, being curious and open minded, acting generously, choosing wisely, living meaningfully, having self-acceptance and being sociable.

Research into this subject appears to be confirming old ideas about character and living a ‘good’ life. All traditional stories that teach us about this subject however, are clothed in metaphor or tale, being a ‘good’ person gets rewarded and attending to character traits that endear you to others is the key to a ‘good’ life and reward. Positive psychology has collided with moral philosophy and spiritual practices and the reward is well-being and happiness.

All stories are really about good character and the courage to learn and face challenges. This is in essence at the core of every Hollywood story and the ‘reward’ is as likely to be happiness through personal fulfillment and self-discovery as material gain. The guy gets the girl because he wins himself first (or vice versa).

The stuff of tales – courage, generosity, wisdom, and honor depends on self-knowledge and belief combined with the ability to look beyond the self, to the needs of others. Stop for a moment and think about what in your life has given you the most lasting sense of well-being – when you felt truly yourself, a moment or event that caused you to feel great long afterwards. I bet it either affected other people or was something that involved a challenge.

Altruism is not self-denial it is the employment of empathy and imagination. When combined with that horrible word responsibility, we own up to the fact that our lives are not separate but intricately interdependent and our actions matter.

A flourishing live is an integrated life, living a life that is both fulfilling to yourself as well as those around you and beyond. A flourishing life can begin with a smile and always has a story to tell.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The power of your thoughts.

Gravity is so virtual we can only measure its effects.  Your thoughts are as powerful as gravity. 
What you think effects not only your experience of the world but effects and creates the world.
We cannot measure the power of human thought but we live with its effects.

What you think about other people has effect.

In a very powerful study, one teacher was given a class and told how lucky she was as she had all the bright children, and another teacher was told the opposite – bad luck, you have all the difficult stupid kids. Actually all the children had been randomly assigned to each class but the effect on the achievements of both classes was significantly different.

 Think the best of the next person you talk to.

Victor Frankl uses the analogy of flying against a strong cross-wind; you have to aim ahead of where you are going to get there because the wind is blowing you off course. Seeing other people this way has the same effect; seeing and believing in the full potential someone holds will support them becoming who they are, rather than seeing them ‘as they are’ and letting the head wind blow them back...^..^.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Curiosity – a key ingredient to wellbeing.

Are you open and curious or do you hold on to rigid expectations?

Being open to new (and old) experiences and open to continuous learning, having a growth as opposed to a fixed mind-set, has a great effect on every aspect of your happiness and well-being.
Research is showing that having a growth mind-set rather than being fixed in how we see the world is an important distinction between people who thrive and those who don’t.
People with a growth mind-set never stop learning.  Your ability to adapt and learn is a key component of your happiness and well-being.

We all face challenges and change, and having an attitude that embraces personal growth happens when we are willing to learn. Setbacks and failure are opportunities to improve and grow. People with a growth mind-set love challenges and new experiences.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Love Yourself for Goodness Sake and Spontaneously Create Love for Others

It's amazing how Samoa Girl Scout cookies wake me up right when I'm about to fall alseep
I swear, they put drugs in those cookies, they're so delicious

Love Yourself for Goodness Sake is a campaign we launched recently at our Loving Abundance site, emphasizing on the need to use our power of creativity to produce a better life for ourselves and others by first loving our self.

Dr. Deepak Chopra was one of the many teachers who inspired us to take this move. In his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, he spoke of the 7 Sutras that help us recognize the miracles that happen everyday of our lives and our capacity to manifest our dreams.

The Sutra, Tat Tvam Asi meaning "I see the other in myself and myself in others", caught my attention deeply. As I went further into understanding the concept I realized its value in my life and spent weeks meditating about it and going through the exercises given in the book.

Here's how it went for me. I discovered that the very qualities I
loved about others were the same qualities I loved about myself and the very traits I hated in others were the very same traits I abhorred in mine. The realization kept me dumb founded for a time. It was to no wonder now, why I loved certain people and detested certain types.

 I found myself being more aware of how my spirit was responding to everyone one I met, be they online or “live” in my midst. It became clearer to me then of why certain people rubbed me the wrong way. It was not to their fault really, it was more the fault of how I viewed myself. Soon I was able to identify the attributes, habits, practices, and manners that I found hard to accept in myself. Yes, apparently, I found many things about me hard to swallow. I tried to deny its presence in me. I rejected any semblance of them in my daily life which of course extended to the people around me, be they family, friends, clients or acquaintance. Can you imagine therefore, the many ways I was actually rejecting people in my life without me knowing about it?!

The more I thought of this reality the more I became determined to correct this error and use the power of creativity to help me along the way. Self acceptance would be the jump off point.  The Carpenters aptly displayed this need when they wrote the lyrics; "You’ve got to love me for who I am for simply being me” Accepting the good in us together with the not so good and everything else in between in our self is full acceptance of who we are. But then again, how can self acceptance come easily. It doesn’t --- unless we first start with unconditional love. Unconditional love knows no boundaries. It sets no limits. It demands not a single criterion. Unconditional love simply is. Unconditional love accepts what is, as is, period.

Our creative juices began to flow and the next thing we knew we were on to spreading the need to love the self with unconditional love through video campaigns and articles. It made sense. Encouraging love of self is tantamount to encouraging the love for others as others are mirrors of our selves. In this scenario self acceptance becomes easier.
A poet once said “a man born blind can never know the meaning of darkness for he has never seen the light”. These lines explain the necessity of accepting both our ‘good’ side and our ‘bad’ side as they serve as a measuring tool with which we can gauge our personal growth.  In a place where there, inside us is the quiet co-existence of both pleasant and unpleasant sides -- we are also able to recognize the reality that each one of us is “a work in progress.”

Love yourself for goodness sake and create a more loving relationship with others.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Caaaaaann, anybody

Where the heck did March go?
I could've sworn it just started
This week is gonna be nuts
Every week has been nuts
Next week will be chill
Next next week will be absolutely ridiculous

Can anyone come up with a catchy slogan for me?

uhmm...or just missing my chocolatessssssssssss????hehehe^.^>

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I'm happy but feel like I shouldn't be happy when people I know and love are sitting and crying because they're worked so hard just to have their accomplishments taken right out of their hands and thrown to the ground.

But I'm so thankful!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people around rooting for me, encouraging me, being there for me. So incredibly blessed!

I know I've said it a hundred times already, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Thank you mam Marj for making me go around and talk to people during lunch

Thank you mam Juliet for making me feel alright every time I am sad and for giving me an encouragement.

Thank you Gliven for sharing your experience that make feel exciting and interesting word.  

Thank you Nanny for being the most amazing mentor, friend and writing that amazing speech.

And above all…to our beloved father.

Thank you to everyone
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

From the bottom of my heart

Wow, I'm tired. Have a good dayJ

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I'm happy, don't get me wrong?

But I there's a part of me that wish this whole thing never happened
That I never made it on exec 

So that I wouldn't have to hear of the frustration, the bitterness, the sadness, the negativity that seems to be oozing out of every single corner
So that I wouldn't have to see my closest friends cry, to see them get mad at me, to see them contemplate on how one rejection characterizes them as someone they're not

So that I wouldn't have to deal with all this crap getting thrown at my face

But it's done, it's set and stone and ready to go
So I guess I have to be okay with it
Or at least pretend to be okay with it
Because someone has to be strong and maintain a positive attitude
Someone's gotta do it
And although I don't feel like it right now, I'll do it

Someone's gotta do it

It just breaks my heart to have people I know and love angry and depressed
It makes me angry and depressed to see them like that
It's not fair, it's not right, it's shouldn't be that way

I wish people didn't care as much
So the hurt wouldn't be so severe
So that everything would be just fine

Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?

What lies out there no one know/ the tide can bring in anything/ so steady as he goes...

Love is a scary thing.

A really really terrifying thing.

You attach yourself on to one person so much that handsome soon, everything revolves around them, and you can't imagine what life is without them anymore.
And then there's the realization that this may not last as long as you want it to,
And it's miserable. 

But then there's also the immense joy that the person can bring you, and you remember all the good times that you've have together, and you try to hold on to that and cling to it with all you have. 

But what if it's not enough?

But then, what if it is? or am  going to use “if else”

God makes everything happen for a reason, and I believe that with all of my being.
But gosh, it would be so nice if it didn't have to be such a roller coaster.

Still, whatever happens, it's for the best. And I know I'm happy right now (really, I am!), and I also know that it may not last, and the thought of that literally makes me feel as if someone is punching me on the left side of my chest. But everything happens for a reason!

Love is a scary thing. But you know what? I'm in. And I'm trusting God to take this wherever it's supposed to go. And we'll just have to see where that it! Hmmhmhmh…..:)

Manifesting Abundance: Power of Positive Thinking

Manifesting abundance is easy!  I declared aloud to no one in particular.  On second thought, I needed to say that aloud for myself to hear.  Masters and teachers have told us over and over that thoughts have power; and that the power of positive thinking can change our lives dramatically.

Do I really believe that a hundred percent? Can I truly say at this point in my life that I am using the power of positive thinking all the time?

Thought check: Hmmm…sometimes yes.  And sometimes no.  I have to be honest with you that there are days when I am not that positive.   Not all days can I draw forth within me that inner resolve to shift focus when things go awry.

But…but…but the wonderful thing is that I have improved a lot more than I was before years ago.  And so when I am almost about to beat myself with no good thoughts like, “there you again being a dumb ass” I catch it before it escapes my lips!  No, no, no you don’t!  And I snatch the thought and replace it with a more positive one!
I would then laugh aloud in triumph like a child playing a game of catch!  Well, I have decided to turn this into a game of sorts.  You know this makes it less of a struggle for me and less painful too.

Hear ye! Hear ye folks of all ages! This is my informal announcement to you and to the world at large that I have chosen to believe in manifesting abundance in my life.  And I begin this journey with a positive expectation that my life will tremendously be blessed in every moment of now.  This is a powerful example of positive thinking, right?  Right!
Yes, manifesting abundance is easy!  I declared aloud this time with more firmness and belief.  I desire to manifest abundance in my relationships, in my health and well-being, in my spirituality, in my finances, in my thoughts, in my emotions, in my work, in my writings, in this website and in making my dreams come true.

I write all of this with joy in my heart because the very first step for manifesting abundance is to know what you want.  And for me, everyday has become a discovery of this beautiful awareness, an unfolding of who I am.

As you journey with me, as you read through the words and share in my experiences, it is my heartfelt wish that you may find your light and may it be your guide you as you too experience all the loving abundance that life has for you.
I declare for the umpteenth time:  manifesting abundance is easy!  Declare it now wherever you may be.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Changing Seasons Give Me Joy

The things that bring me joy are the simple things that come with the dawning of each new moment. It is the wind and the water, the sunlight and the fresh air, the sunrises and sunsets and all of nature with her different seasons that bring with it different joys.

The simple joys are everywhere as seen in the falling autumn leaves on this beautiful autumn day. Dressed in her splendor of color she reflects on top of the water. I come here often for the simple beauty, quiet reflection, where joy can find me way and spring forth without much effort.

To everything there is a Season and everything is made beautiful in its time.

There is a Winter season. A time when your roots grow. There is no harvest now!
There is a Spring season. It is a time for planting. There is no harvest now!
There is a Summer season. It is a time for great activity and growth. There is a minimal harvest now!

Finally comes the joy of Autumn. This is life’s harvest time!
So whatever the occasion may be, the changing of the Season is always a joy for me!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


For many people, a lack of reward? Why do something for nothing? People want something in return and think they deserve something for whatever they do. This is just some of the motivational issues that most of the employees are experiencing in the company where they are currently working.
Motivation is considered as the core of management. Managers play a big role in motivating its subordinates to achieve the goals of the organization. Every person has a different motivating factor. Hence, it should be studied thoroughly on how to motivate the employees before they run away. Motivators do not include only financial compensation but all the factors, implicit and explicit, which affect an employee to care about.

Motivation is needed to awaken the employees’ enthusiasm, commitment and passion. A manager should empower them to perform above expectations.  A good leader will enable its subordinates to perform discretionary effort. Discretionary effort is the extra effort an employee is willing to give above the minimum effort to complete a job.

When the discretionary effort is unlocked in an employee, it would be easy to achieve the goals of an organization or a business. One can find the employees doing their respective jobs joyfully and willingly.  With these, the output will be A+ performance.
What makes me motivated to work?
I am motivated to work because first, I am compensated with my job. Furthermore, I have the benefits that all employees have. Second, I like sharing what I have learned to my students, I know its not an easy job and I actually hate teaching before, but seeing that your students have learned something from you, it is a good motivation for me and somehow, I feel inspired to do my best and work hard for it.
Whenever I see my students that they are applying what they have learned and are doing their best to study, I just can’t help myself to be happy and realized that I am a good teacher at all (hehehe ;)). Third, I have a good relationship with my co-employees. I became close to them and somehow our friendship is bonded.
Though the organization is facing some problems and it motivates me to quit, there is something inside me that would make me feel sad whenever I think of leaving them (my co-employees) because we are like brothers and sisters and we help each other just to achieve the goal for the student’s sake. Lastly, we have a good working environment.
What makes me dissatisfied with my work?
If there are reasons that motivate me to work, these are the factor that makes me dissatisfied with my job: First, there is a lack of support from the Board of Trustees (BOT) regarding our proposals to improve the facilities inside the school. We also lack support for the faculty’s professional growth and development.
In addition, we also lack financial support whenever there is an inter-school activity for the students’ development. Second, although we are compensated with our job, there are times that our salaries were delayed for a day and that alone make me discouraged.
Admit it or not, our first objective why we work is for us to earn money and we earn money so we can buy our needs and wants. Who would be motivated to work if salaries or wages are delayed for quite a while? Third, we are not recognized for the achievements done for the school even for just simple congratulations and there is a lack of communication between us (the employees) and the BOT’s.
As an employee, being motivated is an important factor for me to work hard in order to achieve the organization’s goals. If you are an expert in your field, you simply cannot give your best if you are not motivated enough. As employees, we are motivated in different ways.
 I myself could not give my best in teaching my students if I am not motivated. I have experienced that and I felt tired and unhappy. During those times, I just give my students short discussions and giving them research just to have an excuse.
Eventually, I realized that it does not bring any good to me and to the students. To avoid all these factors, I find better ways to motivate myself by being positive and by remembering the things that really motivated me before. I do have plans of quitting my job, but thanks to my co-employees, they also motivated me by giving advises and helped me open my mind to all the possibilities.
At this moment, I could not afford to quit because of them and I asked a question to myself, “What will happen to my students if I leave them?” They also motivated me to give my best in teaching and the reason why I am still a teacher. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


A company or institution needs to be competitive enough to survive in a competitive world. Based on Wikipedia, a core competency is a concept in management theory originally advocated by CK Prahalad, and Gary Hamel, two business book writers. In their view a core competency is a specific factor that a business sees as being central to the way it, or its employees, works. 

It fulfills three key criteria: it is not easy for competitors to imitate, it can be re-used widely for many products and markets and it must contribute to the end consumer’s experienced benefits.
In Intercity College its Core Competencies may include the following: Quality of education it brings to the students, the facilities it provides for better student learning and the development of highly qualified faculty and staff.

Some businesses focused on producing end products through their various business units. They failed to consider creating their core competence which would lead them to increase their market share.

By combining a set of core competencies in different ways and matching them to market opportunities, a corporation can launch a vast array of businesses.

Without core competencies, a large corporation is just a collection of discrete businesses. Core competencies serve as the glue that bonds the business units together into a coherent portfolio.

With their core competence developed, they could get into making their core products which can be used by other businesses in assembling various end products. Core competencies manifest themselves in core products that serve as a link between the competencies and end products. Core products enable value creation in the end products.

In our school, Intercity College, one of our core competencies is the expertise of teachers in their respective fields. Most of them are having mastered degrees in their fields of specialization. With our school having different programs Technical Vocational Education (TVE), it should have the capable workforce to cater the students the skills and knowledge they need to acquire in their chosen program.

For example, for the TVE, the teachers who handle field of specialization such Baking and Pastries, PC Hardware Servicing are passers of National Competency II of TESDA. A teacher cannot teach a specialization without passing the NCII TESDA Certification to ensure that quality education is afforded to the students.  With this core competence, the school will be able to produce its core products, students who are academically competitive especially those from ESEP program and technically equipped especially from TVE program which is in line with the vision and mission of the school.

With regards to my own self, I also have my own core competencies as an instructor. First, I provide quality learning’s to my students. I share everything I learned to them unlike other instructors who only gives limited learning’s to their students because they are afraid that their students might become more intelligent when compared to them. 

Second, I train my students in a way they find it enjoyable and there has always been an interaction between the students and the teacher to make it more fun. In addition, just like my co-employees I also earned qualifications from TESDA and is on the verge of planning to apply as an Assessor for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. These qualifications are very important to me since these are the basis of a competent instructor. 

         A core competence is the result of a specific set of skills or production techniques that deliver value to the clientele. Therefore, in order for an institution to survive it should have its own core competencies which not only provides quality education to the students but also able to survive in a competitive environment.

Friday, January 20, 2012


According to the last groups report, organizing, like planning, must be a carefully worked out and applied process. This process involves determining what work is needed to accomplish the goal, assigning those tasks to individuals, and arranging those individuals in a decision-making framework. The end result of the organizing process is an organization — a whole consisting of unified parts acting in harmony to execute tasks to achieve goals, both effectively and efficiently.
The group presented a flow chart on the five steps of Organizational Process. This involves: Job design, Departmentalization, Delegation, Span of Management and Chain of Command. These five processes results in Formal Organization Structure that is depicted by an organizational chart.

Job Design
In Intercity College, since the school is still young, the Board of Trustees do not usually impose Organizational Objectives. What is important to them is to do our job as what is stated in our job description. Because of this, we as employees, set out own goals in order to reach the objectives.
As for me, I also have my own objectives so I can achieve the goals in my job. First, I identify what are the things needed to be done, prioritize those things and the process goes back to its cycle. But in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Department where I belong, our own Department Head sets objectives for us to follow. These are: identify the important things and prioritize and implement them accordingly and make it habitual.
The Department Head of the Information and Communications Technology Department divides the task among his subordinates in order to achieve the goals set. For instance, during the visit of the TESDA representatives in our school in order to inspect if it still meets their standard requirements, our department head set a meeting to us and discussed on the things needed to achieve in order to meet the goal.
She identified what are the documents needed to present to TESDA and the facilities that are to be checked by TESDA representatives. Since, the task is quite big and is not that easy, what she did is she breaks it down to smaller pieces and divides the task to us. She assigned two faculty members for the paper works and assigned the rest for the maintenance and upgrading of the materials needed for the inspection.

Since the task were already identified, out department head eventually disseminated the task amongst her subordinates (and that includes me). The two of her faculty members (including me) was designated to create and develop a Contextual Based Learning Material (CBLM).
One person is assigned for the documents in the Computer Programming Department and the other one is to comply documents for the Computer Hardware Servicing Department. This document is one of the most important things that the TESDA representatives will have to check.
The last two of her faculty members were assigned to evaluate the equipment including the computers in the laboratory in order to determine what is needed to be replaced and what additional materials are that needs to be bought.
Span of Management
Upon the division of our tasks, we were authorized by our department head to revise other document that was assigned to us without her permission since she is quite busy accomplishing all other requirements needed. Furthermore, she set deadlines for our tasks to accomplish so we can not be go beyond the time scheduled for the TESDA inspection.
Though it took us weeks to accomplish these tasks, it was easy on out part since it was equally divided among us and the rest of the members were helping each other.
Chain of Command
During the inspection of TESDA, the faculty members were divided into two groups. The first group is for the Computer Programming department and the other group was for the Computer Hardware Servicing department but they work altogether and help each other.
Both groups do not report immediately to the Executive Director for the updates but reports immediately to the ICT department head. The ICT Department Head will be the one to report to the Executive director for the updates of the compliance of TESDA requirements before the scheduled inspection.
The organizational process should be managed proper fully so the company or institution will be in coordination and so that each goal set will easily be accomplished. An institution without proper management of organizational process is like a building without a strong foundation. Once the foundation breaks, everything falls.
To keep a step ahead of changing market conditions, new technologies and human resources issues, organizational innovation and change is needed. However, managing the change is difficult.  It requires a very good transformation leadership. According to John Kotter, some changes fail because of the 8 common errors leaders make in organizational change efforts:

 1) allowing too much complacency 2) failing to create a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition 3) underestimating the power of vision 4) under communicating the vision 5) permitting obstacles to block the vision, 6) failing to create short term wins, 7) declaring victory too soon and 8) neglecting to anchor changes firmly in the corporate culture.

To manage an organizational change a leader may go through the 8 stage change process by John P. Krotter. This is the 8 state change process:

Defrost a hardened status quo:
1.    Establish a sense of urgency
2.    Create the guiding coalition
3.    Develop a vision and strategy
4.    Communicate the change vision
Introduce new practices:
5.    Empower a broad base of people to take action
6.    Generate short term wins
7.    Consolidate gains and producing even more change
Ground the changes in the culture, and making them stick:
8.    Institutionalize new approaches in the corporate culture

However, most people don't like change because they don't like being changed. When change comes into view, fear and resistance to change follow – often despite its obvious benefits.

People fight against change because they fear to lose something they value, or don't understand the change and its implications, or don't think that the change makes sense, or find it difficult to cope with either the level or pace of the change. Resistance emerges when there is a threat to something the individual value. The threat may be real or it may be just perception.

It may arise from a genuine understanding of the change or from misunderstanding, or even almost total ignorance about it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Porter’s five forces is a competitive analysis model which helps us understand the nature of competition within the industry.  It helps us determine the competitive forces in the industry.  By using this model, one can shape strategies to get ahead of the competition. These are the five forces of the framework developed by Michael Porter:

1.     The Bargaining Power of your Customers
2.     The Threat of New Entrants into your Industry
3.     The Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.     Threat of Substitute Products or Services
5.     Rivalry Amongst Existing Firms

In my present job, in our school needs strategies to get ahead of the competition to acquire a large number of enrollees since it is a private school having a population of more than 500 enrollees. And with these, we lack teachers and classroom. Presently, there are around 17 teachers in this school. But still at the start of the school year, 30-70 students will be listed for a section.

As a teacher , we would be glad if there is another school opened nearby so that somehow our student population will be increase which in turn higher the number of students in a classroom from more than 35 to a much smaller number. And by then, a better quality education will be given to the students.

However, what will happen if the enrollees will dramatically drop to a very small number. Then, that’s a threat to our school budget subsequently a threat to the teachers who might be transferred to other schools. We will badly need this Porter’s Five Forces Model by then. J


As an old adage says “Change is not a process for the impatient.” If an organization goes through transformation, it should be patient enough to tackle the practical application of the concepts involved the organizational transformation. It has to go through the process of transformation geared by a good transformational leadership.

Implementing transformation is not an option but essential to cope with ever-changing environment. The primary reasons why organizations need to undergo change include changes in the conditions of the environment that greatly  affects the performance of the organization and the gaps or discrepancies between the quality of performance exhibited by various organizations that raise the issue of competition and the need to survive amidst this particular struggle .

·     Capability Focused: MegaChange is based upon assumptions of human and organizational capabilities  rather than limitations.

·     Transformation: MegaChange is not a mere transition; it is cultural transformation of your organization.

·     Systemwide: MegaChange is not piecemeal, it is system wide.
Concepts, actions, and tools: MegaChange is produced using and integrated set of concepts, actions, and tools, not just tools without concepts.

·    Empowering: MegaChange affects everyone in the organization. It results in a joint optimization of organizational and individual performance, capability and satisfaction.

·    Cultural: MegaChange results in new and changed ways of thinking, acting, and cooperating.

·     Theory for practice: MegaChange is not a theory or practice.

·     Reformation: MegaChange is not about restructuring or reengineering, it is about reformation. It reforms structural concepts, actions, and tools necessary for creating organizations that achieve extraordinary levels of productivity and satisfaction by engaging human capability rather than denying it.

Organizational transformation capability can be defined as ability to sense the need to align resources, culture, process, and technology to achieve new forms of competitiveness. It is firm capacity that contributes competitive advantage in dynamic business competition.

The notion of organizational transformation capability derives from dynamic capability paradigm. Dynamic capability can be defined as the firm's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environment.